Goya-Ra-Ru Martial Arts Birmingham
Our Martial Arts Style
Originally founded during the middle of the last century, the martial art of Goya-Ra-Ru fused durable fighting methods into an accessible single format. At its core remains the acknowledgement that individuals come in all shapes, sizes and exhibit a variety of natural abilities. Therefore, a principal strength of this system is its adaptability to suit a persons own fighting style, body type and natural strengths.
Today, classes provide an intellectually stimulating environment in which to practice a variety of traditional and contemporary martial arts concepts and applications whilst still maintaining a physically demanding but enjoyable workout.
As with many forms of physical exercise, the benefits of taking up martial arts training are numerous. These range from simple fat burning, fitness and stress-release to increased confidence and the ability to perform powerful combat techniques.
Starting Martial Arts Training
Individuals are encouraged to manage their own progression at their own pace with guidance from experienced martial arts instructors and help from fellow training members.
Initially, basic exercises and drills will be practiced with the objectives of improving strength, speed, flexibility, stamina, co-ordination, power, agility, control and relaxation.
What we Generally Practice
The following paragraphs broadly describe some typical training methods covered during our martial arts lessons. It is by no means an exhaustive description of the variety of physical and mental techniques available through continued martial arts training.
Stretching (flexibility training) and Conditioning
At the start of each lesson a short warm up is undertaken followed by pre-activity stretching exercises. This is primarily to help prepare the body for the main training session as well as improving cardio-vascular and muscular endurance, balance coordination and flexibility.
Basic Defence Techniques
These are the building blocks of our martial art and consist primarily of powerful strikes and defensive actions. Holds, locks, throws and 'self-defence' techniques may also be practiced. These may be done free-in-air, against targets (e.g. focus pads & target shields) or with partners. Basic techniques are often combined into set sequences which progress as students become more advanced.
Freestyle Martial Arts
Freestyle (sparring) could be described as a controlled spontaneous interchange of actions and reactions between two or more people. The activity provides an excellent opportunity for a martial artist to demonstrate their creativity, individuality and artistry. During all types of freestyle, an emphasis is placed on control and safety. As a result, even very minor injuries are extremely rare in our martial arts classes.